In the fast few we have been learning about our wellbeing. There is four-part on our wellbeing, the first one is called taha wairua (Or spiritual) it means that it doesn't matter what you believe in. The second part of the Hauora is Taha tinana (Physical), the meaning of Taha tinana is how you take care of your body and how to have the ability to function and move. The third part of Hauora is Taha Hinengaro (Mental/ Emotional) Taha Hinengaro means is how you control your thought and feelings to your self or to others. And the last part of the Hauora is Taha Whanau, Taha whanau is how you communicate with others and having social support.
On our wananga time, we have to make a whare with all those four parts of the Hauora. There are four parts in the house, Taha Tinana( Physical wellbeing), Taha whanau ( Social wellbeing), Taha wairua ( spiritual wellbeing), Taha hinengaro ( mental and emotional wellbeing). If you are going to try to build a whare the first thing you will need to have is the foundation, you can't build a house without a foundation. So what you need to do is make a foundation, a foundation is what your hobby is.
The second step that you need to build is the four walls, our wall is the four-part of the Hauora. Once you have finish building the wall its time to do the final step, the last step is to put the roof. The meaning of the roof is happiness. Once you finish putting the roof on you whare is now build.