After making our song we went to the music room to have a tour, the first thing that I saw was the keyboard. We have to try to play the Havana on it, I don't really know how to play the keyboard so I went to another room to check out some other instrument that I can play. In the music tour, there was a different kind of instrument and room, when I went to room 1 I saw three ukeleles in a chair, I grab one and try to play the chords on the whiteboard. the chords are C, F, Am, and G those our the chords. I can play all the chords because In my old school I used to play ukelele for a group. The teacher give us a piece of paper and there is a challenge wrote on it, we have to complete those challenges to earn a stamp for our carr card. I only got 8 stamp because I got one wrong. There is a different type of instrument, they are Drums both electric and classic, saxophone, flute, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, ukulele, and a keyboard.
Going to the music tour was very fun for me because I play one of my favourite instrument in the world, which is the drum. I really like a drum because they can have a different sound like other instrument but you have to use a stick to make a sound. That why I like drums.

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