
Monday, September 23, 2019

Music tour

After making our song we went to the music room to have a tour, the first thing that I saw was the keyboard. We have to try to play the Havana on it, I don't really know how to play the keyboard so I went to another room to check out some other instrument that I can play. In the music tour, there was a different kind of instrument and room, when I went to room 1 I saw three ukeleles in a chair, I grab one and try to play the chords on the whiteboard. the chords are C, F, Am, and G those our the chords. I can play all the chords because In my old school I used to play ukelele for a group. The teacher give us a piece of paper and there is a challenge wrote on it, we have to complete those challenges to earn a stamp for our carr card. I only got 8 stamp because I got one wrong. There is a different type of instrument, they are Drums both electric and classic, saxophone, flute, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, ukulele, and a keyboard.

Going to the music tour was very fun for me because I play one of my favourite instrument in the world, which is the drum. I really like a drum because they can have a different sound like other instrument but you have to use a stick to make a sound. That why I like drums.

Song about my grand-grand mother who passed away.

This song that I made it's for my grand-grand mother who passed away a few years ago. I was in New Zealand when she passed away. I was so sad that time, I did not know what to do about my life. I keep crying every time I heard her name. About a few weeks I started to get happy because I remember that when she is with Jesus now she will be ok, and she will be in a better place. 

This is the song that I made:

Why! WHy! Why did you leave me 
I thought we would last forever
I miss you so much
That I can’t stop crying

Verse 1;
Sometimes I start missing you crazy 
There won’t be anyone else like you
The fun memories that we created when you were still alive,
I will never forget that.

Why! WHy! Why did you leave me 
I thought we would last forever
I miss you so much
That I can’t stop crying
Verse 2;

Please come back, 
I miss you so much
You will never be forgotten
From the bottom until the top of my heart.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Gym Sport/ Tane Mahuta

Gym Sport

This Wednesday on period 3 we went to the gym to play multisport. Multisport is a game that is played by a different number of people. Some of the sport that we play was basketball, football, hockey, netball, and touch rugby. Before we played multisport our teacher divided us into two groups, some of my friends went into the other team because we have too many people in our team. After a few minutes the multisport end, the teacher tells us what the was we lost but that fine because all of us in my team have fun. 

Tane Mahuta

Today on Tane Mahuta we take out the wood that is around the tree, we trow the old wood into the wood file so that when it's time to burn the wood, there all in one. We also take out the Ivey that is crawling around the fences and the trees. We are really trying to clear the ground so that soon maybe we can put some furniture on it. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ella west

                             Ella West
On the 9th of September 2019, we have a special Hui. The hui is for our special guest, Ella west, Ella West is the one who created the 'Night vision' and the 'Rainfall book'. This was possible because the reading group that read the rainfall and the night vision was the one who invited Ella West to come over to our school, so thank you for that. Ella west was so kind when she came to our school, she explains how she wright her book, and why she wrote it.

Ella West has a lot of books that she published in the past, The first book that she published was the 'Theif Series'. All of his books were published in Australia, Some of her books are 'Night Vision', 'Rain Fall', 'Real Life', 'Anywhere but here and more'.

Did you know that when Ella west started writing she thought about putting her own dog on the story, Ella west dog name is Gim, it is a Border collie. Ella west names are actually not Ella west its something else, she like to be called Ella west Because it sound cooler or her and to others. Ella West mum thought that she was a mum on all of her stories.
   Image result for ella west real nameImage result for ella west books
Image result for ella west books

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Trash by: Andy Mulligan

Every Monday at period 3 we have a class novel, it is called trash. Trash is a book that we have been reading since term 2. It is really cool to read because it is about a kid who found many from a smokey mountain. Smokey Mountain is located in the Philippines, it is called the smokey mountain because it has a lot of trash some fire, it has fire to burn out the trash. The author of the book is Andy Mulligan. He is an English writer who made a movie about trash, Andy Mulligan is also best to know for writing an adult fiction book. I think that Andy Mulligan writes the book because he probably experiences peoples life when he went to a different country like Brazil, Vietnam, the Philippines, and the UK.

Andy Mulligan writes the trash for only 10 days. That is really impressive to a person who writes a novel for only 10 days. The book that Andy Mulligan wrote was good to read because  I'm a Filipino and I know that in the Philippines the life is very hard. Sometimes you don't have enough many to buy food for your family. If you don't have many to buy food sometimes people go to a rubbish bin to find some food. If you are living in a house, you are very lucky because you don't have to find food from a rubbish bin or collect some bottle to trade it with little bucks.

I will tell you a little summary from the beginning about Trash.

When the rubbish truck came, he dumps the rubbish into a file. Raphael was just picking up some rubbish then suddenly he saw a wallet with money and an I:D on it. He was very surprised, Raphael runs back to his house to hide the wallet. A few minutes later the police came, they check the whole area and ask some of the people if they found a wallet. No one answer, but they did not know that Raphael has the money inside his house.

Here is a trailer from the trash movie:

Image result for trash andy mulliganImage result for philippines smokey mountain

Decade of music

This is what we have been doing on Music, these are some of the decade music. The slide is mixed by bands and musician. My favorite part of music class is that I learned so many new things, from the decades.
 This is the slide that I made hope you enjoyed...

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cleaning the out door class room/ Painting a rock/ Gym sport

This Wednesday we have to clean all the rubbish that was left from last week. We throw some scrap metal into a big bin. We were supposed to throw the broken door but our teacher decided that we can sell them in the junk shop to get money. We did not throw the old wood because if we throw that in the big bin, we might not have enough space for the other old equipment. So we thought that we should burn it down to make less scrap, we know that it will release carbon dioxide but it's the only way to get rid of them. We also clean the ground, the ground has rubbish and a broken braches mix to it.

(Gym sport)
After cleaning the outdoor classroom the bell ring for morning tea, A few minutes later the bell ring again for period 3, my friends and I went to the gym to do gym sport. On gym sport this week we did a gymnastic challenge. Every five minutes we move to another place to try new things. Gym sports was very fun because your body can be a stretch.

(Painting a rock)
After period 3 we went back to the classroom to paint a rock. The design that I did was sunset, I really like sunset because it's like a relaxing view to look at. I think that my rock design came out well, here is what it look like.