Every Monday at period 3 we have a class novel, it is called trash. Trash is a book that we have been reading since term 2. It is really cool to read because it is about a kid who found many from a smokey mountain. Smokey Mountain is located in the Philippines, it is called the smokey mountain because it has a lot of trash some fire, it has fire to burn out the trash. The author of the book is Andy Mulligan. He is an English writer who made a movie about trash, Andy Mulligan is also best to know for writing an adult fiction book. I think that Andy Mulligan writes the book because he probably experiences peoples life when he went to a different country like Brazil, Vietnam, the Philippines, and the UK.
Andy Mulligan writes the trash for only 10 days. That is really impressive to a person who writes a novel for only 10 days. The book that Andy Mulligan wrote was good to read because I'm a Filipino and I know that in the Philippines the life is very hard. Sometimes you don't have enough many to buy food for your family. If you don't have many to buy food sometimes people go to a rubbish bin to find some food. If you are living in a house, you are very lucky because you don't have to find food from a rubbish bin or collect some bottle to trade it with little bucks.
I will tell you a little summary from the beginning about Trash.
When the rubbish truck came, he dumps the rubbish into a file. Raphael was just picking up some rubbish then suddenly he saw a wallet with money and an I:D on it. He was very surprised, Raphael runs back to his house to hide the wallet. A few minutes later the police came, they check the whole area and ask some of the people if they found a wallet. No one answer, but they did not know that Raphael has the money inside his house.
Here is a trailer from the trash movie: