Knowledge C
Ginger the cat
Comprehension B
Winked-Close and open one eye quickly .
Muttered-Say something in a low or barely audible voice.
Certainly-Used to emphasize the speaker's belief that what is said is true.
Sheepish- Feeling embarrassing. 
Application A
I have blue shirt.
I have blue green pant’s.
I am holding a cat.
I have black eye brow.
I have black eye.
I have black hair.
Analysing B
Ginger the cat
Ginger the cat don’t like water.
The daughter like water.
New Ideas C
When dad found that he have a cat cage he decided to not put Ginger in the SPCA because maybe he just want home. Every morning Ginger the cat always go to the front door to get some food. After getting a food to their house Ginger will play again. If it’s night time Ginger will go inside the cage and take a nap. Sometimes Ginger cannot sleep because some other cat still want to play. Last time Ginger tell to the other cat that he is tired but the other cut is still knocking.
Evaluation A
I rated this text 10 out of 10 because I think the story is goo
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