I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Night light
What is space?
Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction. Space have four dimensional continuum known as spacetime.
The first man who step in the moon was Neil Armstrong
Apollo it was the spaceflight that landed the first two humans on the Moon. Mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin, both American, landed the lunar module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC.
The first planet was discovered by William Herschel on march 13, 1781.
The moon is only 380,000 kilometers from the earth and that's four hundred time closer than the sun. But travelling to the moon would would be like taking two hundreds trips to Australia because it’s far from earth.
Did you know the moon is round like a ball and the moon diameter is measured through the middle from side to side.
Some scientist said there's another planet that hit moon because there was a huge explosion last time on March 17, 2013.
When you go to the moon there will be no air at all because the Earth's atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen. When the astronaut visit the moon they will need a air so they can breath.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
When I was 8 years old in the Philippines I train basketball every Friday with my cousin. My cousin sometimes tell me that if I learn to shoot the ball before 5 months he will put me to their team and played for them. Every Friday I call my cousin because I really like to play basketball with him but sometimes my cousin don’t have time to play with me because he have homework so I just train by myself. Last time my cousin said why do you always train basketball. I said did you remember that you said last time I can go to your team if I learnt shooting the ball in the basketball hoop I can go to your team remember. Oh ya I remember keep training. OK I replied. 5 months later I learnt shooting the ball in the hoop and my cousin come to me and said wow Lars you've learnt shooting the ball in the hoop maybe next week you can go to my team and played basketball. I said to him thanks cousin you're the greatest cousin in the world I have ever have. After I said that he is the greatest cousin in the world. He said do you want to played another sport with me like volley ball. No sorry maybe when I grow sorry. My cousin said that’s OK.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Knowledge C
Ginger the cat
Comprehension B
Winked-Close and open one eye quickly .
Muttered-Say something in a low or barely audible voice.
Certainly-Used to emphasize the speaker's belief that what is said is true.
Sheepish- Feeling embarrassing. 
Application A
I have blue shirt.
I have blue green pant’s.
I am holding a cat.
I have black eye brow.
I have black eye.
I have black hair.
Analysing B
Ginger the cat
Ginger the cat don’t like water.
The daughter like water.
New Ideas C
When dad found that he have a cat cage he decided to not put Ginger in the SPCA because maybe he just want home. Every morning Ginger the cat always go to the front door to get some food. After getting a food to their house Ginger will play again. If it’s night time Ginger will go inside the cage and take a nap. Sometimes Ginger cannot sleep because some other cat still want to play. Last time Ginger tell to the other cat that he is tired but the other cut is still knocking.
Evaluation A
I rated this text 10 out of 10 because I think the story is goo
Friday, November 10, 2017
Knowledge C
Uncle Andy and the Flies
Comprehension C
Firstly Uncle Andy’s bought a singlet in army surplus store. After he bought the singlet in the army surplus store he start wearing it so he can be clean. The singlet made a useful pouch and it can keep him warm in winter night also if it’s summer heat it can keep him cool. The singlet is useful because it can carry a new laid egg.
Application A
I am big
I have a dog
I wear a hat
I have brown eye brow
I bought a singlet in the store
I have Black and blue hair mix together
Analysing A
Uncle Andy bought a new singlet.
The flies keep coming in Uncle andy singlet.
He can carry a new laid egg in his singlet.
New ideas C
When Uncle Andy was cooking fish he saw many flies coming from the door. So he stop cooking the fish. Uncle Andy was scared because he thought the flies will sucked his blood and after that he will die. Uncle Andy call 911 because of his scared. When 911 was talking to Uncle Andy he saw all the flies die because of the smoke from the fish. Uncle Andy was happy because all the fly die.
Evaluation A
I rated this text 8 out of 10 because it’s kind of cool.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
The long walk
Make a copy of this document and remember to put it in your Reading Folder!
Please make sure that you write your answers to the questions in FULL SENTENCES
2. How far did she have to walk to be able to get some seafood? She walk in front of our place.
3. Where did Nanny have to go when the bridge was built? She need to walk around in the other bay.
4. Who is Moremore? Moremore is Guardian of the bay.
5. How many times did Nanny see Moremore? Nanny see the Moremore ones.
6. What did they hide in the flax and why? They hide the kete because it’s to heavy.
7. Why did the pipi move again? The pipi move again because the water turn black and smelly.
8. Where did Nanny go after this? Nanny walked over the hill to the town.
9. Where did they live? They live in the town.
10. Did they ever find the pipi again? They did not find the pipi again.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Just Busking
Make a copy of this document and remember to put it in your Reading Folder!
Please make sure that you write your answers to the questions in FULL SENTENCES
2. What does the crazy old country guy set up? He set up his ten-tonne amp.
3. What does the world timidly mean? Timidly means a manner that show lack and encourage.
4. What does Tau play? Tau play the guitar.
5. What does his brother play? Tau brother play a drum.
6. What is uncle wearing? Uncle is wearing a suit and a white shirt.
7. Why do you think people busk? People busk because their happy.
8. Where is Bob Marley from? Bob Marley is from the nine mile Jamaica.
9. What happened to the man on the street? The man on the street must have die.
10. What did the the children do when they realised something was wrong with the man on the street? They stop the music and runs into the jeans shop for help.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Learnt 1
Rummaged means- searching for something you need. 
Purse means- Is a wallet so you can put coins inside.
Hauled means- Holding something.
Mysterious means- It's impossible to understand and it’s scary. 
Nectarine means- Is a pickle’s tree and there’s a fruit hanging.
German Shepherd- Is a dog that bark and bark all the time.
Dogfish means- Is a shark that have long tail and there’s a color in the bottom.
Knowledge A
First Grandpa want’s to go fishing.
Second Grandpa make a fishing rod but he use different kind of materials like broom cupboard an old broom handle.
Third when grandpa get all the materials from his house he make a fishing rod with it.
Fourth Grandpa finish making the fishing rope and then grandpa go to his backyard with his fishing rod.
Finally when grandpa arrived at his backyard he get some nectarine and he said “ohhh yummy”
Knowledge B
He got a green jacket.
He made the fishing rope.
He got glasses.
He got brown eye.
He got brown shoes.
He got Purple,red and white pajamas.
Learnt 2
I didn’t say we were going to catch fish. Just that we were going fishing.
Pg 22
Let’s see if the are biting.
Pg 22
It’s a pretty good catch.
Pg 23
A lot of snappy dogfish around today,don't you think?
Pg 23
Just one more fish.
Pg 24
Get me out before this dog eats me alive.
Nectarine is taste like a peach.
Apricots look’s like a smaller version of a peach, about a quarter of the size according to Extra Crispy.
Nectarine Raspberry jam
Nectarine pie
G-Great for cooking Nectarine Pie.
R-Ridiculous because it's dark.
A-Awesome family and friend’s.
N-Nice to meet you.
D-Disappointed for being late.
P-Painful because someone got shot with the gun
A-Angry because grandpa fell on the grass.
A-Awesome family and friend’s.
N-Nice to meet you.
D-Disappointed for being late.
P-Painful because someone got shot with the gun
A-Angry because grandpa fell on the grass.
Create INC
When grandpa fell on the fence he was so scared because maybe the German shepherd will eat him alive. After a second Grandpa decided to call Mrs pickle his wife so she can help grandpa. When Mrs Pickle answer the phone she said why are you calling me. Grandpa said I fell in our backyard and went to the other house and I did not know there was a German shepherd in their backyard. Mrs pickle said What are you doing in our backyard.Grandpa said I just want some Nectarine that’s why I climb in the fence but I fall because i'm out of balance. “Mrs Pickle said ok I will be there in one minute”. “Grandpa said ok just be fast”. After one minute Mrs Pickle saw grandpa so she get one dog food and after that Mrs pickle throw the dog food to grandpa and then grandpa catch it. When grandpa catch it he said you want some dog food doggy here you go and then grandpa throw the dog food. One day later the German shepherd and Grandpa became friend.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Friday, September 8, 2017
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Independent Learn Task:
Make a copy of this document and answer the 10 questions.
All of the answers are in the article that you have read, so make sure that you go all the way through to find the answers.
Remember to write your answers in full sentences… if you can’t remember how to do this, go back to last weeks work and check!
2. What are Kuri? Kuri are dog they help people in the old days.
3. What have people found in Hawaii? People found dog bones that are hundreds or even thousand of years old.
4. Who did Kuri arrive with? Kuri arrived with Polynesian voyagers.
5. Who was Taneatua? Taneatua was a well-known explorer.
6. What is Mataatua? Mataatua is a waka that landed at Whakatane.
7. What is the hill called? The hill is called Urewera.
8. What valley did Taneatua leave another one of his dogs in? Taneatua left another of his dog in the Ruatoki valley.
9. Who is Captain Cook? (you might need to do some research)
Captain Cook real name is James cook. James Cook was born on October 27, 1728, in Marton-in-Cleveland. James Cook was a naval captain, navigator and explorer who, in 1770, discovered and charted New Zealand and the Great Barrier Reef of Australia on his ship HMB Endeavour.
10. What happened to the dogs when they attacked sheep? Farmers don’t like dogs running wild and attacking their sheep so the dogs got shot by the farmers.
Teacher Comment:
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Exploring Blogs
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