
Friday, March 29, 2019

Height and feet Measuring

The feet can measure the height.


The bones of the feet can tell a lot about a person. What do feet reveal about a person's height? Forensic anthropologists team up with law enforcers to help solve crimes.
Bones of the feet can reveal an interesting fact about an individual. Let's combine math with forensics to see how.

Image result for foot chart sizeImage result for foot to height ratio chart
Aim:  To use forensic science techniques to measure the height of a criminal.

  1.  2 Rulers
  2. 1 Meter Rulers
  3. A person
  4. Wall
  5.  A foot


  1.  Get your rulers 
  2.  Get a person that can measure you
  3.  Take out your shoes 
  4. Measure yourself
  5. Then finally check how tall you are. 


Foot  (cm)
Height (cm)

Lars:14.9 cm

Axle: 1.62 cm

Vann:15.5 cm 


Home Chemistry -Forgeries

Image result for forgery

Graphologists are forensic experts who look at handwriting.

Image result for forgery

Many things can be forged: artworks, money, writing, etc

Forgery link

Aim: To Analyse a signature using forensic science.

Image result for forgery


A pen / pencil
Tracing Paper
Writing paper
A ruler


A. Top Of Letter Analysis

1. Sign your name on a sheet of writing paper and get someone else to try to copy it.
2. Place the tracing paper over both signatures and make a dot at the top point of each letter – for both signatures.
3. Join up the dots for both signatures to get two zigzag lines across the signatures. Are the lines the same?

B. Bottom of Letter Analysis

1. Put some fresh tracing paper over both signatures.
2. Put a dot at the bottom of each letter.
3. Join up the dots to make zig zag lines. Are the lines the same?

C. Slant Analysis

1. Put a fresh piece of tracing paper over both signatures.
2. Mark a vertical line down through the middle of each letter (using a ruler), slanting it in the same direction as
the letter.
3. Compare the set of lines for both signatures. 
What do they tell you.


Top Letter Analysis
Are the lines the same?

My friend line is almost the same as me.
Bottom Letter Analysis
Are the lines the same?

Almost but the line is bigger.
Slant Analysis
What are the slants telling you?

It is telling me that me and my friend handwriting is almost the same.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Stop Motion

On art we have been doing stop motion, Stop motion is fun when you finish it. When I first started art I was so nervous because I did not know what to do. The only thing that I know was made clay people and that's about it. I was frightened because I thought that we will not finish our art project.

The next day my group decided to make a stop motion about football. Why football you ask? Because last time when we were at primary school we really like playing football, so that's why we decided to make a stop motion about it.
At first stop motion for me was scary because I don't know what to do. But then after a few weeks, I started liking art. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


2. Name 5 different kinds of activities used in forensic sciences and find a picture for each.

Image result for forensicsForensics

1. What is the definition of forensic science? scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of crime.

2. Name 5 different kinds of activities used in forensic sciences and find a picture for each.
  • Physical Matching. Image result for physical matching
  • Fingerprint Matching. Image result for fingerprint matching
  • Hair and fibre analysis.  Image result for hair and fibre analysis

  • D.N.A Image result for dna
  • White powde r test Image result for white powder test
3. Name 5 jobs that would use forensics to investigate crime 
  1. Forensic Medical Examiner. 
  2. Forensic Engineer. 
  3. Forensic Accountant. 
  4. Crime Scene Investigator. 
  5. Crime Laboratory Analyst.

Finger prints

Aim: To look at the different types of fingerprints.


  1.  Balloon  
  2.   Fingers
  3.   Finger stamp pad

  1. First thing is put your finger in the fingerprints stamp.
  2.   Put it in the balloon
  3.   Don't move your hand
  4.    Blow the balloon up.
  5.   Then look at it if it's Loop, Arch or Whorl
  6.   Do the same thing to your finger this time but not your thumb.  

Image result for fingerprint types

Record the types of fingerprints from those in your group.

Fingerprint 1 ( Thumb)
Fingerprint 2 (finger)

Summary of findings: Me and my friend have same Fingerprint but in a different finger. 

Hidden fingerprints:

Aim: To learn how to lift hidden fingerprints from an object.

1. Lifting and Gathering fingerprints.

  1.  Balloon 
  2.   Fingers
  3.   Finger stamp pad
  1. Grab a Balloon and a finger stamp pad.
  2. Put your thump in the Finger stamp pad 
  3.  Put it in the balloon, 
  4. Don't move your thumb.
  5. Take it out of the balloon.