Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.
Materials;Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.
2. Liquid
3. 5 Skittles
Step 1: Get a Petrie dish or a plate
Step 2: Put your 5 skittles in the Petrie dish
Step 3: Put a little amount of water, just a little bit.
Step 4: Watch the water turn to a rainbow colour.
Step 5: Time to eat your skittle
So what happens is when you put a skittle or mm in the water, their colour is going to wash away because they're just a food colouring
Reflection: What have I learned from this experiment?
I learned that when you put mm or skittle in the water there colour will start to disappear
What did the colours do? It disappeared
Did the colours mix together? Not at the start but when it was like 1 minute, it started to mixed.