This week in science we did a Ph Scale quiz, It was very fun because we have to search the answer to Google. Some of the questions are hard but me and Vann my partner in science/friend did pretty well. Make sure to check out our Ph scale quiz because it will help you if you are doing scale quiz too.
Neutral solutions have a pH of (7)
What colour represents neutral on the pH scale (Green)
What is the range covered by the pH scale (0-14)
pH is a measure of (Hydrogen ions) Oxygen Hydrogen Hydroxide
Acids and bases can combine to create water and salts (True)
Which is not a property of a base Sour taste Bitter taste Slippery (Sour taste)
There are a variety of strengths of acids and bases True False (True)
Vinegar is an example of a Strong base Strong Acid Weak Acid (Weak acid)
An acid’s pH is between (0-14)
What is true when acids and bases neutralize each other; (They react to neutralize then the acid and base properties will produce a salt.)
Water is produced Salt is produced Both water and salt are produced (Salt)
Does baking soda have a pH of 9? Explain your answer (“Yes” it have a pH of 9, making it a mildly alkaline substance.) ____________________________________________________________________________ __
The pH scale.