
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

What we were doing in tech.

 Kamusta (Hello/How are you) everyone. Last Wednesday we have been doing how to make a draw string bag for something you like. The first thing we need to do is get the sawing machine after that you need to test if the sawing machine is working. Tech is fun because you can do wood work,soft material like I'm doing right now and the last one is cooking.If your almost finish your bag this is what will look like. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

By:Lars,Callum,Anneleise and Shekinah

Hello guys this week my group decided to make what is New Zealand flag. If you don't know who made the New Zealand flag you should check are slide to learnt more about the New Zealand Flag.

Hope you enjoy it 😅😅😅😅😅

Monday, March 19, 2018

How to be a good blogger


This week my class made a video about how to be a good blogger it was fun because you can work with one person you like. I pick Tukotahi because he was alright to work with. Sorry about the video that we made because this is only are first time doing it. Tukotahi and I was so happy because the teacher told us good job that's a great video. The video that we made take so long because Tukotahi keep saying his name but it's alright because I think we did good. After a few take we finish the video. When we finish the video we share it to the teacher. We take the video in screencastify because that's were we need t take the video.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Soft Material 2018

This Wednesday day all the year 7 student went to the technology. My group was on the Soft material so this week we make a bag for something we want to put. The thing that I put on my bag is chrome book. I decided to  put the chrome book in the bag that I make because my chrome book don't have any case that why I pick it.  The first thing that we did  is collect a material from the desk second we paint the material that we want third we dry the material.

This is some picture for the bag that I made.

Monday, March 5, 2018

On friday March 2 our school did Athletic all day until home time, It was fun because we did cool things like 60 meters run, high jump,long jump and more. Some people choose social and the other choose competitive. I pick social because it’s easier and your only gonna do 60 meters run,high jump,long jump and javelin. If you pick competitive you will do relay, high jump,long jump, 100 meters run or if you don’t want to do 100 meters run you can change it to 60 meters run. We did Athletics on friday so tomorrow we can rest and relax our body. When it’s not Athletic day yet every friday we do P.E because when it’s athletic day were ready to go. When it’s time to the 60 meters run I was feeling nervous but I said to myself you can do this. One minute later the race start I did not hear the bang but I still came fifth. I was so happy because I came fifth. After the race all of us have some popsicle. My favourite sport is soccer but on athletic I like high jump. I learn on athletic day that if you lose it’s okay because you can try your best next time. At the end of the athletics we have one more event it was relay.It was so loud because many people were cheering for their house. At the end I did not know who won but i'm pretty sure setu won. Actually my p.e teacher said to us setu came forth .